
is the acronym for the National Association of Commerce, Tourism, Services, Professions, Industrial Companies and Agri-food Enterprises.
The legal and operational headquarters is located in Bergamo, Via Orio No. 18, in a "horizontal" organizational logic, develops institutional and professional services through the Branches and Delegation Offices present at the National and International level.
Associazione Nazionale Euroimprese was born from the pollitic will of important Bodies operating in support of companies, in collaboration with expert consultants in the different sectors of the economy, in a logic of professional network, in favor and in the interest of the associated Enterprises with the clear objective of offering union assistance and highly qualified professional services both in the E.U. and Extra-E.U.
The establishment of Associazione Nazionale Euroimprese is identifiable in the increasingly manifest need on the part of all member Enterprises to recognize themselves in a top-level Body that can represent, both shared union interests and real opportunities for entrepreneurial development in the global market.
The path taken in 2001 made it possible to formalize the constitution of the Association through a notarized deed signed in June 2009, in which all constituent bodies declared that they shared the same goals and objectives.Through the establishment of Associazione Nazionale Euroimprese an extremely significant goal has been achieved in view of the fact that sharing common interests very often seems to be a simple achievement, but in reality it takes the form of careful knowledge of the territory, awareness of its peculiarities and of the transversal needs that characterize Enterprises regardless of the economic sector they belong to.
Associazione Nazionale Euroimprese constitutes in 2010, by notarial deed, an additional national body called Federazione Sistema Turismo Italia as the specific employers' acronym for the national tourism sector.
Since 2011, Associazione Nazionale Euroimprese has increased the direct opening of Branch Offices and Delegation Offices on Italian territory and International Offices, through the application for accreditation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In 2013, Associazione Nazionale Euroimprese activated Operational Agreements with Bodies and Institutions and with other National Trade Union Associations and increased collaboration relationships with Universities and Research Centers, enhancing services related to areas of interest.
Finally, in 2021, Associazione Nazionale Euroimprese formalized an agreement agreement with Federazione FMPI.

+39 035 0086971 info@euro-imprese.comSede Operativa Nazionale:
Via Orio n.18
24126 Bergamo - IT


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… mettersi in gioco è un inizio,

restare insieme è un progresso,

lavorare insieme un successo…

(Henry Ford)