Il codice etico

The Associazione Nazionale Euroimprese is therefore committed to setting its action as a role model for its members and member companies, in complete compliance with the following rules of conduct:

  • ideal observance of the laws and commitments it has signed and, in the spirit of its dutiful and convinced sense of the State as the promotion of an associative conscience that permanently opposes any illegal practice to the detriment of goods, businesses and persons in whatever form it manifests itself;
  • respect for the principles of subsidiarity and federalism, in relation to the evolution of the institutional framework, the relationship between State and Regions and the articulation of powers and functions in matters of interest to its members;
  • respect for the principle of entrepreneurial pluralism that ensures adequate presence of all economic sectors represented in the system, in the different organizational formulas and sizes;
  • respect for and promotion of the legitimate interests of consumers and users and in particular their right to correct and complete information;
  • attention to the aspect of disability and commitment in the area of active policies for its management in a competitive and inclusive society and economy;
  • sense of responsibility and active contribution to safeguarding the conditions of livability of the environment and the territory in which one operates;
  • active and willing participation of the associates in the life of the Organization at all levels, in the forms established by the bodies;
  • intact moral and professional conduct of the associates and in particular of those among them who hold positions in bodies internal or external to the Euroenterprise Association;
  • performance of any associative or public assignments in a spirit of service and willingness to defer them to the Organization should the higher interest of the Organization require it;
  • duty to ensure the best quality of image and respect for the name of the Organization in any activity, even outside the work context.

+39 035 0086971 [email protected]Sede Operativa Nazionale:
Via Orio n.18
24126 Bergamo - IT


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… mettersi in gioco è un inizio,

restare insieme è un progresso,

lavorare insieme un successo…

(Henry Ford)